I would like just one person to come on this thread and tell of an experience someone had with a Ouija board, where the planchette moved without anyone touching it at all. That would be much more impressive. You'd think spirits would be able to do that quite easily because they are not having to deal with any resistance of the human mind or hand in moving the planchette. For any spirits involved, this would be easier and simpler than moving a planchette with a human attached to it.
cognizant dissident
JoinedPosts by cognizant dissident
Are you afraid of the Ouija board still?
by cyberjesus indo you think it has superpowers?
who controlls it?
Should we choose ease of technology over actual face to face communication?
by lalaa ini know that this doesn't have anthing to do with what's usually posted on here but i recently had a discussion with a friend of mine and she said that if she had that choice she would do everything on her computer or blackberry.
the thought of talking to people that she wasn't familiar with scared her at times.
she said that she knows a lot of people that feel the same way as her.....now i will admit i do love the internet, facebook, technology, etc.... (and this site)....but i think good old fashion face to face communication is still #1 in my book.. how do some of you guys feel about face to face interaction?.
cognizant dissident
Very True Mark:
In real life social situations, there are many people who talk at you instead of with you. (JW's come to mind here, and some techno bores) It is probably more a case of the human ego and/or lack of social skills and awareness. So, the internet and technology probably does not create the problem, as much as it just gives a very wide forum for it. The problem is the human desire to be the loudest voice and dominate, without listening fully and giving the floor to others (speaking of the dissemination of more serious ideas here).
Technology does create a reinforcing loop though. Social skills are mainly taught. While we are on the internet, texting our friends or watching TV, we are not spending time with our families and teaching our children necessary conversational and social skills that will be essential for them to carry on successful business and personal relationships. Many people are truly unaware of how rude they are appearing to others. Some just don't care and you can't blame technology for that.
Many people today have the attention span of a gnat. The 30-second sound bite must take some responsibility for this! In superficial social situations, the worst result is people think we are rude. When there is important information to be imparted that takes many hours or even days, many will miss vital info because they just can't sit still and pay attention long enough or they can't put down their cell phone long enough to stop texting and pay attention.
I'm in university right now. There is zero tolerance for cell-phones, texting, facebooking during class. It is still considered extremely rude in many sections of society and professors will embarrass you in front of the whole class or ask you to leave if you indulge yourself.
Just Another Day On The Board (redux)
by Farkel ini was digging through some of my old stuff looking for a topic i need and ran across this post from 8 years ago.
it is simply amazing how some things never change.
most of the newer ones will not recognize any of these characters, but we can easily swap their screen names with names of current posters and the whole piece would be like it was written yesterday.
cognizant dissident
That reminds me of one of Hillary Step's posts from a few years ago: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/158239/1/and-the-JWD-beat-goes-on
different day, different people, same old same old:
Burn The Ships: Osama Bin Laden has long blonde hair and a tattoo of Jesus on the left orb of his arse.
HS : No he has not...got long blonde hair I mean.
Burn The Ships: You admire Osama so why should we believe you? In fact as you admire Osama why should we believe that God does not exist or that the Republican party is not a gigantic Cuban string vest?
HS: Where have I said I admired Osama Burn?
BTS: Well, okay, admire is a strong word. What I really meant was in sort of admirishly admiriazing sort of way you like his sandals if only to sell them on eBay. I surmised this from the post where you stated, 'Osama Bin Laden has been mis-sandalled.'
Journey On: Yes, I remember reading some of the turds HS has written in the past where he distinctly said that he admired Osama, so he must have long blonde hair....Hillary I mean....ermmm am I losing the plot again? Never mind, as long as I am disageeeing with HS I know that God exists.
HS: Journey...wrong again on all counts!
Minimus: Have you ever been wrong on all counts?
Journey On: I am sure that I remember some turd or the other that you wrote in the past to this effect.
HS: No you do not, as I did not write this, but speaking of turds, why are you looking so flushed.
Journey On: Waaahhahhah! HS was mean and rude to me....Wahahahah! I need a cuddle.
Flipper: You called!
Burn The Ships: I am Wikipedia, Lord of Links - bomb Cuba with URL's.
5Go: Guess what I am going to be writing about next Tuesday morning at 10.05am?
Burn The Ships: Bow before me 5Go, for I am Half-Baked, which means that half of me may not be baked but the other half, the more important half is well baked.
RCrusoe: Who says that I am impotent...oh sorry ..important?
Flipper: Come on folks. What is your favorite 'What is your favorite' thread?
Jcanon: In 539BC while the moon was waning over the Portable Molech Baby Burning Dumpster, the the reverse anti-typical Oliver Cromwell wrote on a clay prism, 'Trust in God but keep your wig dry'. The allusion to the word 'wig' makes it quite plain that I am the Messiah and that Oliver Cromwell's warts were the 'mark' on the forehead spoekn of by my still living cousin, Daniel of Birkenhead.
FunkyDerek: When did you last see Obve's doctor?
JCanon" Doctor? Did not the Lord provide his servants with all the medication they needed......My cat has been brainwashed and is trying to sing. I may not be around much longer...
Hooberus: Why do you rabid, ignorant, deceitful, arrogant, lying athiests always descend to using insults against God's only true people?
Real One: Uhhh? Only a tool says to his cart, there is no dog....Uhhhh?
RCrusoe: I am not saying that I am desperate for female flesh, but what exactly does Osama look like in a blonde wig?
Nicolau: If the world is not athiest by this night Friday, 11.00pm, GMT, I am going to start a war between athiests and religionists with agnostics doing the non-combatant medical duties. -
THE Book
by Farkel inthis is probably directed more to dubs who are having doubts than to ex-dubs, but it is still appropriate for both groups.
i'll only be offering my own personal opinion here, of course, but then again, i'm never wrong about anything.
well, i was wrong once; that was the time i thought i was wrong about something.. when it comes to definitive books which clearly expose the wts for what it really is, there is one which towers over all the others, and that book is 1984 by george orwell.
cognizant dissident
I thought Animal Farm by Orwell also had great WTBTS parallels and was just as worthy of a read for ex-JW's. I became hooked on Orwell after reading it and read all his novels. He is now my favorite novelist of all time. It is not just because of the WTBTS parallels. I'm a bibliophile and he is a literary genius in his character development, his wit, humor and satire.
For JW women who were raised on guilt, read "The Clergyman's Daughter". I defy any of you elder's daughters out there not to see yourself in that story.
Should we choose ease of technology over actual face to face communication?
by lalaa ini know that this doesn't have anthing to do with what's usually posted on here but i recently had a discussion with a friend of mine and she said that if she had that choice she would do everything on her computer or blackberry.
the thought of talking to people that she wasn't familiar with scared her at times.
she said that she knows a lot of people that feel the same way as her.....now i will admit i do love the internet, facebook, technology, etc.... (and this site)....but i think good old fashion face to face communication is still #1 in my book.. how do some of you guys feel about face to face interaction?.
cognizant dissident
I think it's useful to distinguish between communication and conversation.
Status updates communicate a moment of our time, but there is no conversation, no dialogue, no interaction. This is my problem with the internet. Most of what is passing for conversation is just people blogging their opinions. They want to have a voice and the internet gives them that. But they don't really want to have a two way exchange of ideas.
Are you afraid of the Ouija board still?
by cyberjesus indo you think it has superpowers?
who controlls it?
cognizant dissident
If it really worked, it would be able to spell things out without anyone's hand on it.
Got My Medical Marijuana Card Today....
by dssynergy inso i'm in california on business for 3 months, possibly more.
might just decide to stay.
i'm enjoying the sun.... anyhow - i just went in and got my marijuana card today.
cognizant dissident
Wickipedia says 50% of British Columbians have tried marijuana, the highest rate in the world! I'm not sayin whether I've done it or not... I'm just reporting the facts!
Got My Medical Marijuana Card Today....
by dssynergy inso i'm in california on business for 3 months, possibly more.
might just decide to stay.
i'm enjoying the sun.... anyhow - i just went in and got my marijuana card today.
cognizant dissident
I sort of want to get one just to test it out. Actually, I'm pretty sure they do nothing. It's like any other prescription.
Jehovah's Witness jailed for grooming and abusing boy
by betterdaze in19 october 2010last updated at 09:16 et.
jehovah's witness jailed for grooming and abusing boy.
gold was put on the sex offenders' register for the rest of his life.
cognizant dissident
I don't know Serenity, maybe for the same reason JW parents think marriage sex talks are appropriate instruction for preschoolers? JW's have always tended to treat their little kids as little miniature adults with unrealistic expectations of them. Just clueless. They are absolutely ignorant as to childhood developmental stages.
Should we choose ease of technology over actual face to face communication?
by lalaa ini know that this doesn't have anthing to do with what's usually posted on here but i recently had a discussion with a friend of mine and she said that if she had that choice she would do everything on her computer or blackberry.
the thought of talking to people that she wasn't familiar with scared her at times.
she said that she knows a lot of people that feel the same way as her.....now i will admit i do love the internet, facebook, technology, etc.... (and this site)....but i think good old fashion face to face communication is still #1 in my book.. how do some of you guys feel about face to face interaction?.
cognizant dissident
I recently had discussions with a few friends, and we agree that the internet and other technology has ruined conversational skills and emotional intimacy. It creates the illusion that we are having intimate contact with someone or a relationship with them, when in reality it puts distance between them.
For relatives or friends who are truly long distance, then it's great, but for many, it is just easier to text or message someone than to make the effort to get together with them.
People who are texting and messaging while out with friends and family and ignoring the ones they are with are not learning how to have an intimate relationship with loved ones. Plus it's just plain rude!
Don't even get me started on internet romances or worse, internet sex. It is so much easier to sit at your computer than to interact with real life flesh and blood men and women. No risk. Also, very little gain. Very little true intimacy. It's quite sad really.
Never turn down a face to face conversation for a facebook one. Never turn down a coffee chat with your friends for a msn chat. Never turn down a conversation over dinner for a status update about what you had for dinner or where you're going for dinner.
And for god's sake, never turn down sex with a real woman, for virtual sex with a cyber woman, no matter how hot she is. That's just crazy!